Saturday, October 11, 2008

#23 The Finale

Less than a week ago I had given this away as I hadn't looked at it for 3 weeks and thought there is too much to do, in too short a length of time. But after being given a 'pep' talk by the AVL team (you know who you are!) I was back on track and have surprised myself with the way I've managed to work thru the second half of exercises. It has meant some late nights but I really think I have learned so much and didn't have a clue that some of the things we experienced were "out there".

Loved Flickr, Generator, You Tube (if only I could have got to see David Cassidy!). Didn't like Technorati (nearly finished me off!), RSS Feeds, Rollyo.

If we were to tackle something like this in future, would like consideration given to time at work to research, discuss, work thru as was a bit demoralising at home getting more and more frustrated (and behind).

So this Raven is flying the coop ...

Ex 22 Social Networking

I had a look thru the suggested resources and liked the "Your Space or My Space" article in libraryjournal. com. It surprised me that the younger ones don't necessarily get their emails thru traditional means, e.g. Hotmail, GMail etc but thru their MySpace inbox, etc. So I suppose this is a way of connecting with a particular age group but you'd need people who were on the same wavelength to be on top of this all the time and maybe in a Council run library there are not enough resources and 'moolah' ($) to go around. And what % of library users would this account for? For alot of people visiting a library is so much more than picking up a book ...

Ex #19 Podcasts

Back to this one after getting my daughter to sign me into her itunes a/c - I'm the only one in the house without an ipod but the one who sees the charges for it on the credit card! Found it quite interesting and heaps of things to look at, subscribed to a couple of downloads but they were going to take too long, so may need to look at this again later.
Tried to add an RSS feed but it kept coming up with an error - it could be me?!?

Ex 21: Getting Social with it: Facebook, Bebo etc

I thought the library Bebo sights were quite good, especially Rotorua's one - it's another tool to get out what we do, are, and are going to be in the future in the world of libraries and thats got to be a good thing.
Surprisingly I had already set myself up with a Facebook account but then chickened out thinking I didn't want to make myself available to the world but I guess you can put as much, or as little as you want. I searched for someone I know is on there and when it came up with 252 people with the same name, I wondered how I might find her as there didn't seem to be a picture of her (unless that was her mountain biking!!). Clicking on her friends answered the question tho'.
MySpace looked quite good and I was keen to watch a couple of videos but unfortunately the speed (or lack of) was offputting for me, so I will come back to this at a later date.

Ex 20 - E Books

I went into Amazon, Kindle to do a book search for "Wuthering Heights" and found many different copies available in various formats: Hardcover, paperback, audio download, kindle edition. Eh? Backtracked to find out exactly what a 'Kindle' was - quite strange when you have absolutely no idea what it is and there are headings saying:

"See a Kindle in Your City. Want to see a Kindle? Visit the See a Kindle in Your City area to connect with Kindle owners and get a chance to see a Kindle in person. "

What could it be? Oh such relief when finding out it is a device to listen to your books on!! (Rather expensive though).

It made me think of when I was doing a "sell job" on playaways to a patron with a stack of Audio books and him saying "I just download them onto my ipod and listen whenever I want" - I was pleasantly enlightened ...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ex 18 You Tube etc

At last I thought something that I've at least heard of and have visited before! Unfortunately I was to find that it was painfully, painfully slow at loading and as time is of the essence I didn't have the patience to wait and wait.
As I said I have dabbled a little bit before in You Tube and I really like it - just had a look at the old TV show "The Partridge Family" (I used to luuuuve David Cassidy - Who? I hear some of you say?!?) but would love to have another play when its back up to speed.
What I have learned is that my daughter has a username and even when signed in it doesn't make it any faster.
I think a library video could be both entertaining and informative - each library could make their own production - as long as we all don't have to dress up as "Super Librarian" - some of us look better in tights than others!!

Ex 17 Web 2.0 Awards

Quite an interesting place to go to get the "best of the best".
Tried to sign-up for a Genealogy page but encountered a few 'security' issues; had a look at travel and then Lulu which looked quite good if you wanted to publish your own work - could be a 'step in the door' but maybe you'll get buried in the thousands who came before you and after you- sorry thats a bit negative!
Also looked at Cocktail Builder, great idea, just put in ingredients you have and it'll show you something you can make - handy for those "spur-of-the-moment" cocktail parties we all have!!!

Ex 16 Zoho Writer

Wow, that is so cool, didn't know it existed. It was easy to use - unfortunately wouldn't let me sign up and shut down my internet connection - but was easily accessible thru Google docs.
Its really good to know that this available and you can share or email to others, etc. Would be good for the grandparents who don't have Word, Excel or any of that extra software and can now access it for free - will have to offer a free tutorial!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ex 15 Rollyo

Rollyo I didn't find terribly interesting. I did open an account and set myself up a search roll but am not too sure who would use this
I still like "favourites" on my Google page - it took me long enough to find it after updating to Vista - I don't have heaps in there so it's not hard at all to find what you want and they certainly wouldn't be anybody elses favourites!

Ex 14 Library Thing

This was quite fun and easy to set-up and navigate. Added my five books, noted that the two English books I added weren't already on someones lists whereas the USA ones were - maybe because I only searched Amazon's website. Have a look

Ex 13 Generator

Explored FD Toys and Letter James and found them really user friendly. Loved some of the existing pictures in Letter James so would like to go back and start playing and creating soon.
Created a jigsaw in FD Toys and am endeavouring to upload to my blog page - don't hold your breathe, but I will persevere. This is where I found it:
I know my daughter would love this site but will never get the computer back so will keep it to myself for now!!

Ex 12 Sandbox Wiki

I found this very easy to look at and search through. It becomes much more interesting when the information found therein is from people you know and on topics, places etc that are familiar.

Exercise 11: Wikis

I do like Wikipedia and it has been used quite a bit in our house on a Sunday night for a homework assignment that has just been "remembered"! It is very well laid out and appealing to the "younger set" - thats half the battle - although it can't be taken as 100% factual it seems pretty accurate.
I also liked the Book Lovers Wiki by Princeton Public Library and was particularly thrilled to see a review of Kiwi author Mark Haddon and several copies of his books available - it shows how easy it is to "infiltrate" anywhere and anyplace!!
Though had to laugh at the Update notice saying that anyone wanting to change Wikis now needs email confirmation due to "Vandalism", what next, Graffiti!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ex 10 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

Read the OCLC Next Space newsletter perspectives a little while back and have skimmed them again but find them pretty heavy going with so much to consider. I'm not a great one for change but when shown how things might improve or progress, then I'm keen to take it on board and 99% of the time it's for the better - although there will always be a need for "fine tuning".

Although there is still going to be a place for "a traditional library" in some form or another where people of all ages want to have a "social" experience; or an outing; study time; sing-along for the littlies, etc. etc.

Viva The Library!!

Ex 9: Technorati

Ok, Ok, I know it's been a long time (too long) and I have to say I had "flagged it" but have been given a big pep talk (and loads of advice) today by the "Posse" and am back in the game - not sure if I'll make the deadline or not!
Anyway Technorati has been my stumbling block and I have looked at it three different times but not gone on to write my blog because basically I found it really hard to get around and not terribly user friendly - don't know if thats going to "answer" the exercise questions but thats the best I can muster!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Exercise 8:

I have to say I really liked this idea and found it pretty easy to get around. - the Youtube video explained it very well.
I can see it would be useful to be able to access info that others have already researched, got to be good if it can cut down your "surfing" time.
I searched out the recipes Tag and it was great, you can use it as an online Cook Book: from homemade marshmallows to a chocolate cake mixed & microwaved in a coffee cup to Whoopie Pie!?! (can you tell I have a sweet tooth?). I might even sign-up when - or if - I get to the end of 23 things!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Exercise 7.2: Searching for RSS feeds

Well I've finally got back to this after many delays and want to at least get this exercise finish before the start of another week - thankfully our foreign students depart this week so I may get some "me" time on the computer now that 3 girls have been cut to 1 ...

Had a look at the search tools for RSS feeds and quite liked the layout and look of Technorati but especially the ease of use of didn't have the same friendly appeal so put me off - I'm a bit of a visual type (no not a bloke) but do love the new library books when they arrive, sorry I digress. Anyway didn't venture too far in just read a few news items and their postings but think you could probably go on for ever and search for anything and everything.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Exercise 7.1: RSS Discovery

Successfully opened an account and subscribed to a few feeds: BBC News, NZ Herald, itunes top 25 songs, etc. Not sure if I would really use this - if I want to see a story in NZ Herald then I just go to the website they have new or updated stories highlighted and it is a bit easier to navigate but then this might appeal to some people. Not sure how it could help patrons in a library situation.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Exercise #6 - Discovery

I have to say the thing I really love is my DVD Recorder with Hard drive - it is so easy to use!! Want to record something just push the record button - no rushing for a video tape, fast forwarding to the right place, hope that there is enough tape left. It's as simple as just pushing the red record button and away you go. Then you can watch your programme and 'jump' through the ads, or even edit them out and copy it to a disc if you like. Bliss!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Exercise #5: Take two

Mashups, Flickr tools, etc, etc. Had a bit of trouble finding them directly on the Flickr site - probably just me, it seems like a long week: not used to working everyday + having visitors + taxi service (for kids) + dealing with Insurance Companies (thanks to the latest of the recent storms), sorry I'm raving. But managed to find them through the links on the exercise instructions and like the site as would be great to do that with my photos from our trip overseas last year which are still languishing in the bag and on cds - I'm don't trust putting them on my computer, just in case ... but I can now load them onto Flickr for back-up, Great!

I can smell the coffee, I'm off ....

Exercise #4: MY Flickr Experience Take 2

Well here I am again, thinking I had done this but not as "instructed" - I'm not one of those people who read's the instruction book before assembling/plugging in something new, obviously that was my downfall. So the lesson has been learned!!!

My Flickr experience: I was pleased (even proud) that I managed to open an account AND download not one, but two photos, then managed to get one to my blog page and write a bit about it. My frustration was that I couldn't manage to change the title of it from it's "photo number" (and still can't) - any ideas? and therefore couldn't tag it as instructed.

Whilst some things seem straight forward and relatively methodical, others are excruciatingly frustrating and time consuming, which then "sours" alot of the current experience of achieving what you have - how can it be so hard to send off your blog to an email a/c!!!

Anyway I'm sure the answers to these and many more will be forthcoming if one is to "stick with it" - one is wavering somewhat at the moment!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ex #5. Flickr Fun

Well, what a beautiful country, and world we live in. I suppose if you can see the best of things you can also see the worst -haven't come across anything "yucky" at this stage!!
It's amazing what can be added to each photo in terms of comments etc. - can be positive or not so.

Also not a bad way to whittle away a rainy afternoon but reality bites and off to referee the fight over Sky TV's blunder at scheduling the Hannah Montana 3D movie premiere with the Bledisloe Cup rugby match - What were they thinking!!!!!

Flickr Fun

Originally uploaded by audreyswannack
With all the dreadful weather we have been having lately, I think back to January when we were lolling about in hammocks with a good book for most of the day and occasionally looking up to take in the spectacular view of the Hokianga Harbour in the North of the North Island, New Zealand

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wow, finally got here.

Have been putting this off and find myself on the last night not having done my "homework" after continuously telling the kids not to leave their homework to the last night, here I am doing the same.

Had heard 'horror' stories of some taking 3+ hours to complete so couldn't really commit to that length of time during the week. But, and I hope I'm not going to regret this comment, getting to this point was relatively "pain free".

Anyway it's a bit nerveracking stepping deeper into the 'virtual' world but when you get there it doesn't seem too bad - up until now my favourite "computer" pastimes has been buying/selling on Trademe and of course, email - however did we manage without it!